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Newland Lane, Normanton

The site was formerly a brickworks and an old quarry pit was situated in the eastern part of the
site. The site has been vacant since the 1950’s. The scheme proposes 123 new homes with
access from Newlands Lane. The homes are oriented to overlook public footpaths to ensure
these routes are safe and attractive, whilst retaining the mature hedgerows and ponds that
define a large portion of the landscape character of the site.

The site will retain its contextual link to the surroundings by retaining key distant views at
strategically positioned openings to the built form and along existing hedgerow lines to the local
church spire and characteristic chimneys located on the perimeter of the site.

The site will continue to provide connectivity between Newland Lane and the various walking
routes to the west of the site by integrating existing Public Right of Way’s within the new road network and public open spaces.

The built form will respond to the road layout to create active and attractive street scenes. Dualaspect properties will be located on key corners to avoid blank gables whilst giving natural surveillance to the street. Properties will front onto existing hedgerows where possible and proposed areas of Public Open Space to give an attractive outlook from proposed properties and ensuring public spaces are well overlooked.

We would like to invite you to provide your comments on the scheme to the details below. We are aware we cannot always reach every member of the community, therefore we would be grateful if you could pass this information on to neighbours or other parties that you feel would be interested in the proposals.

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National Custom & Self Build Association
Passive House Designer
West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce
RTPI Chartered Town Planner
RIBA Chartered Practice
The Academy of Urbanism
Landscape Institute Registered Practice
IEMA Quality Mark
Smarter Planning Champion
Place Alliance