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Community Workshops

For regeneration projects, community led visions, neighbourhood planning or large scale projects where a developer or landowner will have a long term relationship with the local residents and businesses, a programme of community workshops can help explore key themes in more detail, and build understanding and trust between the various parties.

Properly facilitated, a Community Workshop can provide a more constructive and intimate environment where people who may be intimated to share their concerns and ideas in a public forum, are able to participate more fully in the debate.  Over many years and dozens of major projects, our urbanism team has facilitated a wide range of community workshops for both public and private sector clients.  Each series of events is tailored to the circumstances of a particular project and invitees selected after close collaboration with local community leaders to ensure a diverse range of views, experiences and social groups are fully represented.

What Can I Do Next…

At Spawforths we are proud to act as trusted advisers to a wide range of clients including private individuals, businesses, charities and the public sector. If you would like further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.

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National Custom & Self Build Association
Passive House Designer
West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce
RTPI Chartered Town Planner
RIBA Chartered Practice
The Academy of Urbanism
Landscape Institute Registered Practice
IEMA Quality Mark
Smarter Planning Champion
Place Alliance