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Self-Build and Custom Build

For the last 25 years, Spawforths have been heavily involved in the custom build and self build industries, establishing the first national network of architects dedicated to the self-build market, creating the first national 0800 number help line and advising many tens of thousands of families through seminars, conferences, publications and architects services.

Our in-house architects have been involved in designing many one-off houses as well as group custom-build sites and can advise individuals, local authorities,  housing developers and registered providers on how to optimise a site, obtain planning permission and deliver high quality custom-build schemes.

We offer assistance in site promotion and, if you are an individual looking for a plot, help you identify land  that is suitable for building your first family home or your own Grand Design!  

What Can I Do Next…

At Spawforths we are proud to act as trusted advisers to a wide range of clients including private individuals, businesses, charities and the public sector. If you would like further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact us


National Custom & Self Build Association
Passive House Designer
West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce
RTPI Chartered Town Planner
RIBA Chartered Practice
The Academy of Urbanism
Landscape Institute Registered Practice
IEMA Quality Mark
Smarter Planning Champion
Place Alliance